More information on how we keep your child safe

Social Distancing
We would like to reassure you that strict social distancing measures will remain in place during the Camp. To keep the contacts minimal, we will be running ‘bubbles’ of no more than 15 children in each. We will restrict the number of staff working with each group to minimise contacts for both staff and children. Your child will be allocated to one of the groups each week and we will ensure that as far as possible his/her contacts will remain the same.

What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus at LCA Holiday Camp?

Any child who becomes ill with symptoms which could be Covid-19 during their time on camp will be taken to a secure area of camp and isolated away from other children. Their temperature will be checked again, and the parent/guardian will be called to come and collect immediately from camp. If the child becomes seriously ill, we will call 999. The isolation area will then be fully sanitised and cleaned after each use. If a child or member of staff has suspected symptoms of Covid-19, they will be sent home and must follow the Government guidance for households with possible Covid-19 infection. This includes self- isolation and taking a Covid-19 test. See: 

Camp will continue to operate as normal, unless or until advised otherwise by the local Health Protection Team, but parents/guardians and staff will be informed, especially those in high risk groups. If children or staff experience any symptoms of Covid-19 they must not attend Camp until all symptoms have passed and they feel well or they have a negative test result (if tested). Your remaining fees can be used for future LCA lessons.



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